Wow a Update!
Yeah so I'm actually updating this thing. Figured all the little people would want to know what was going on with me. And that would be uh nothing at all. So there you have it. Enjoy it.
Monday, August 30, 2004
Posted by Meg at 2:24 PM
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Fun Fun For Everyone
Yeah my life is actually not sucking so much right now. It's really quite amazing. And when my life sucks I write a lot. But when it doesn't I really don't write that much. So I really won't be updating this thing until my life takes a sudden turn for the worst. Which it won't if God loves me. But he doesn't. For He (or She) is a vengeful God bent on destruction. The destruction of Megan's life. What fun!
Posted by Meg at 12:43 PM
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
INFJ - "Author". Strong drive and enjoyment to help others. Complex personality. 1.5% of total population. |
personality tests by
Posted by Meg at 6:50 PM
Sunday, May 16, 2004
This is in Bold
Oh who doesn't love the antics of Spongebob Squarepants? And the fact that their making a movie is doubly delicious. Yum Yum. Well I found out I'm pregnant. Yeah with the re-incarnation of Christ. Well no not really. But if it was true it would provide a good topic for conversation. "Yeah so did you hear I'm carrying the next Christ?" Good times had for everyone. I really hope that someone's heart gave out after the "Well I found out I'm pregnant" before thy went on to read "Yeah with the re-incarnation of Christ". Also good times had for everyone.
Posted by Meg at 9:37 AM
Monday, May 03, 2004
Obese kids more likely to bully, be bullied
Does that make any sense whatsoever? Whos cares if a couple of fatties bully themselves? Personally being fat is not one of my problems and I have not met one single fat person who wasn't a complete bitch or asshole. It's like yes we all know you have low self-esteem cuz your ass hangs out your shorts and people scream when they see you in a bathing suit but you don't have to go and take it out on the rest of the population. Get off your fat ass and MOVE AROUND! You know I lost 10 pounds and I didn't even need to. I wonder why? Hmm oh maybe it was because I JUST DIDN'T FUCKING EAT?! Try not eating so much fucking junk food and McDonalds! Maybe then you'll lose some weight. Ya fucking fatty.
Posted by Meg at 6:43 PM
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
I Am A Freakish Weirdo
One of my many interesting conversations with myself while Nathan was getting coffee.
azurefiregodess: maybe i should write erotic literature for a living
azurefiregodess: that'd be an interesting thing to tell my guidance counsler
azurefiregodess: yes can you suggest any good colleges for erotic literature? wonder what she'd say
azurefiregodess: ok i'll stop now
azurefiregodess: so timmy what does your mom do for a living? she writes erotic literature
azurefiregodess: imagine that career day
azurefiregodess: ok i'll really stop now
azurefiregodess: so kids if you try hard and do well in school you too can have your stories published in penthouse forum
azurefiregodess: ok i'll really actually stop now
And then I really did stop.
Posted by Meg at 12:54 PM
Thursday, April 08, 2004
Ew Ew Fucking EW
Hmm OK so I read an article about all these underage girls who take photos of themselves (not naked mind you) and make old pervy men pay to see it. How fucking gross is that? There's even one with an 11 year old girl. Fucking gross! I don't care if their naked or not the photos are meant to excite you so you'll pay the stupid money. We all like money. But you don't have to start selling your body when your 11 years old. At least wait until your 18 to fuck up your life.
Posted by Meg at 4:35 PM
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
I love writing haikus for some reason. They rock.
Missing parts of heart
Assembly required for some
Not for kids under 10
Ahh yes I'm a dork. Well we already knew that.
Posted by Meg at 12:06 PM
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
I really hate the kids I go to school with. There are a few exceptions but on the whole I want them all to burn in hell. I just can't understand how stupid some people can be. Yes let us waste our lives away with drugs so that we can die of an overdose before we turn 25. Or let us be sluts and flirt with every guy in school because I'm a fucking stupid whore who already has a boyfriend when other people who are so much more deserving don't. God I just can't stand it! The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I'm 10x better then pretty much everyone there. I can only wait for the day when I can say goodbye to all of that and just say fuck it. Just give them the middle finger and tell them to shove it up their ass and move on.
Yeah that'll be a good day.
Posted by Meg at 11:32 AM
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
My Dad Is Funny
So today I was sitting in the car with my Dad listening to him rant about Rush Limbaugh and his twisted black soul and blah blah blah when all of a sudden we get onto the topic of religion. And then he declares he's going to go on a spirtual journey to find himself this summer. This scares me. People who go on spirtual journeys tend to scare me. I just hope he doesn't end up going to Tibet and hanging out with Buddhist monks all summer. Actually I hope he does and takes me with him. That would rock. Go Buddhism!!
Look I changed how I sign my name! Spiffy!
Posted by Meg at 3:00 PM
Saturday, March 06, 2004
I Hate People
Yeah that's all I really have to say. Enjoy my nugget of wisdom.
-- Megan
Posted by Meg at 9:42 PM
Monday, March 01, 2004
I just can't stand it here anymore. I feel like this country is slowly sucking my soul out. I'm getting the hell out of here if it's the last thing I do. I'm just going to end up going to college in Canada or Europe, I can't stay here any longer. I feel like if I do I'll be buried in a conservative landslide.
-- Megan
Posted by Meg at 2:48 PM
Sunday, February 29, 2004
I got a car! I got a car! Whoop whoop I got a car! Now all I need is a licence. Hmm yes that could turn out to be tricksey. But it doesn't matter. Know why? Cuz I got a car! I got a car!
-- Megan
P.S - I got a car! I got a car!
Posted by Meg at 4:22 PM
Saturday, February 28, 2004
Bet you didn't know that was spelt with a g did ya? Anyways I just wanted to make a note of something.
Tattoo's I Want:
1. Calvin and Hobbes on the bottom of my back or the top
2. One of the My Little Ponies on the bottom of my back or the top
3. Carebear on my ankle
4. Snow White (not sure where yet)
5. Geisha (not sure where yet either)
6. Some type of Lord of the Rings thing
And don't go telling me that I'm going to regret it. I hate when people say that. By the time I actually get it done and I still want it then I'm not going to regret it.
-- Megan
Posted by Meg at 4:38 PM
Monday, February 23, 2004
Baby Boom
Well today Harriet brought her baby daughter to school today. I was sitting there holding the baby and she looked up at me and I realized something. The whole accumulation of my life is leading up to the day I have one of these of my own. Everything I do up until then will be insignificant compared to that moment. It's a scary thought but true. My mothering instincts went into super overdrive holding that baby. It's strange to be able to just know what to do with a child. Maybe that's why women are such an enigma to men.
-- Megan
PS- Yes I'm home.
Posted by Meg at 9:11 AM
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Sucky Sucky 5 Dolla Me Love You Long Time
Where the hell is that from anyways? Well anyways yeah so I got kicked out of my parents house. I guess this is somebody's way of telling me that I should go on with my dream to be a traveling troubadore bringing music and poetry to all. Or maybe it's somebody's way of trying to get me to die. Not sure which. Probably the latter. And considering how I feel right now death would not be an unwelcomed thing. Soooo considering that I don't know where I'm going to be a few days from now don't expect any updates for a while.
And so ends childhood.
-- Megan
Posted by Meg at 6:50 PM
Monday, February 09, 2004
Yeah DDR rocks. And I suck at it so it's double the fun since you can play and watch me fall on my ass. And my brother's fat friend is playing on it and I'm afraid he's going to break the mat. I would have to kill him if that happens. Kill him dead. People are dumb. Hahaha yeah they are. Entertaining. Yeah well Conan O'Brian is going to Canada this week so I'm going to get no sleep staying up late to see if at least one person says eh? Yeah it'll be great if they do. So people in Canada please say eh? so I can be happy about my life. Yeah.
-- Megan
Posted by Meg at 12:18 PM
Friday, February 06, 2004
Mmm mmm mmm good
Random stuff I've made in case anyone cares. Doubt they do.
-- Megan
Posted by Meg at 7:54 PM
Saturday, January 31, 2004
You know what I noticed that's really fucking annoying. How the new trend of people is to bring their damn digital cameras around with them and take pictures of everything that happens in their life and then they publish the pictures online. That is so fucking annoying. No people we don't give a damn about your sad pathetic lives. So sad and pathetic that you have to carry your webcam around with you everywhere. Just no. Do not go to the store and take pictures of everything you think is cute and funny. For the love of humanity stop. STOP!!!!!!! WE DO NOT CARE!!!!!!! Thank you.
-- Megan
Posted by Meg at 7:47 PM
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Wow I was little bit scary the other day eh? Ah well that's how I usually am. No matter. It's snowing and not stoping and scaring me. If we don't have school tomarrow that would really be just great. Just great man, great. I really have nothing to say. I just feel like wasting time. Oh wait I do have one thing to say. Audio blog Nathan. Audio blog. Yeah and that's about it.
-- Megan
Posted by Meg at 5:25 PM
Sunday, January 25, 2004
Must Kill All Humans
I hate men. Sometimes I want to take a knife and slit the throat of the next one that walks by. And then I'd laugh as the blood pooled around his dead and lifeless body. And then I'd cut his balls off and feed them to a dog. Ohh I think I'd rip his heart out and jump up and down on it until it was a bloody pulp. Oh then I would be happy. Then I could live out my days with that little secret filling me up with bloody happiness. Homicidal? Psychotic? Well I think anyone of the fairer species would be when it comes to men. We are after all smarter, prettier, and better at everything we do.
-- Megan
Posted by Meg at 4:48 PM
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Oh God
OK nobody listen to that! Nobody! It's just not right. Sooo don't listen to it. OK glad we cleared that up.
-- Megan
OK now I know your all going to listen to it. Well burn in hell.
Posted by Meg at 6:33 PM
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Hm let's take a little time out today to firstly congratulate Megan on getting 100++++++++ on her History Mid-Term. I do believe that I should receive and award that says Megan received 100++++++++ on her History Mid-Term and therefore does not have to take this revoltingly easy and ridiculous class for the rest of the yeah that so could very easily teach with her eyes closed and her mouth stapled to her backside. Yes I do think that would look right smart hanging over my bed.
But let's get serious for a moment (although I was quite serious before). I do believe that every nominee running for the democratic party for president are a bunch of smarmy gits. The one that is the least revolting and someone I could stand for is Kucinich. Visit his web site here. Of course he hasn't got a shot in hell with those cheeky gits Kerry and Dean running the place. Anyone who A) supports the war B) disagrees with same sex marriages and C) thinks the death penalty is an effective way to stop crime do not deserve my vote. Yes my one measly vote that could (used rightly) hold the key to victory or defeat. To all you little Republicans and Dean Supporters you can kiss my ass for being a complete imbecile and lapping up everything the media feeds you. That also goes for anyone who still supports Michael Jackson. The lot of you can kiss my arse.
Well hopefully I've offended loads of people so my work here is done.
Until Next Time
-- Megan
PS- I'm going to 24 hours without a wink of sleep and seem to be more witty than usual. This could come in very handy at various points in my life. So HA to you, you sleep needing freaks. OK well not really since I'm going to be taking a nap now but I do feel certain pride at being able to obtain above average levels of sarcasm and wittiness without days of sleep.
Posted by Meg at 9:35 AM
Thursday, January 15, 2004
Smudgery and Drudgery
Oh boy Megan's in a witty mood. Everyone watch out! Hmm I do like that title I made up though. Do I feel a story brewing?'s comming.............. maybe.........nope lost it. Oh well. One of Megan's many great works that will never be published. Let us bow our heads in silence.
-- Megan
Posted by Meg at 7:04 PM
Saturday, January 10, 2004
Everytime I sit here and try my damndest to come up with something super witty and intellectual to say. But it never comes. I don't think anyone can come up with anything witty or intellectual to say while staring at a computor screen. Plus that horrid pressure of impressing the 3 people who actually read this is too much.
Some things about the whole vegan/vegitarian thing:
A. It's my way of life so don't sit there arguring with me about it if it does not affect your life in any way or purpose.
B. The whole thing about killing animals that live in vegitation that the vegitarians would eat is pure bullshit in the fact that someone is just trying to justify their consumption of meat and not to have to feel guilty about it.
C. I think we can assume that if an animal cries when hurt that they feel pain. If they feel pain then wouldn't killing them constitute murder if they have the same emotions as humans. Can't a cow fear death?
D. I don't give a shit what you think. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
-- Megan
Posted by Meg at 9:29 PM
Friday, January 09, 2004
All that she wants............
Whooo didn't go to school today. Yay for sickness! You know what's really yummy? Cherry pop-tarts. Yeahhh. I'm so bored right now that I'm talking about random things. You know what else is yummy? Ace of Base. Well not in a food way but in a musically satisfying way. OK I think I scared enough people now so I'm going to go.
-- Megan
Posted by Meg at 12:41 PM
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Yes my bones and organs
...................................................(stabs self)
-- Megan
Posted by Meg at 2:27 PM