Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Oh God

OK nobody listen to that! Nobody! It's just not right. Sooo don't listen to it. OK glad we cleared that up.

-- Megan

OK now I know your all going to listen to it. Well burn in hell.

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Tuesday, January 20, 2004


Hm let's take a little time out today to firstly congratulate Megan on getting 100++++++++ on her History Mid-Term. I do believe that I should receive and award that says Megan received 100++++++++ on her History Mid-Term and therefore does not have to take this revoltingly easy and ridiculous class for the rest of the yeah that so could very easily teach with her eyes closed and her mouth stapled to her backside. Yes I do think that would look right smart hanging over my bed.

But let's get serious for a moment (although I was quite serious before). I do believe that every nominee running for the democratic party for president are a bunch of smarmy gits. The one that is the least revolting and someone I could stand for is Kucinich. Visit his web site here. Of course he hasn't got a shot in hell with those cheeky gits Kerry and Dean running the place. Anyone who A) supports the war B) disagrees with same sex marriages and C) thinks the death penalty is an effective way to stop crime do not deserve my vote. Yes my one measly vote that could (used rightly) hold the key to victory or defeat. To all you little Republicans and Dean Supporters you can kiss my ass for being a complete imbecile and lapping up everything the media feeds you. That also goes for anyone who still supports Michael Jackson. The lot of you can kiss my arse.

Well hopefully I've offended loads of people so my work here is done.

Until Next Time
-- Megan

PS- I'm going to 24 hours without a wink of sleep and seem to be more witty than usual. This could come in very handy at various points in my life. So HA to you, you sleep needing freaks. OK well not really since I'm going to be taking a nap now but I do feel certain pride at being able to obtain above average levels of sarcasm and wittiness without days of sleep.