Saturday, March 08, 2003


He said 6 now it's 8 still not on. I hate having bad thoughts. Worriedness is the bane of my existance. That and my family.

Going to Super Weiney Hut Jr. with Spongebob and Patrick

Friday, March 07, 2003

Cry Cry maybe PMS

I hate my family sometimes. No usually I hate them all the time. I've been really crying lately but it's proby the dreaded PMS goblins poking holes in my uterus. Hey I made a funny.

Kyle you are the only thing that keeps me going. I can't wait to be with you. Your the only thing I can love right now. So I give it all to you. Please don't misuse it. You keep me strong. Remember I won't ever pull the meathook but only to make you closer to me.

This blog is now dedicated to Kyle and our kids Arwen, Eowyn, Luthien, Rhett, and Phineas
Your future Mommy and Wife Megan

Thursday, March 06, 2003

Snowy Snow

Bored bored so very very bored. I'm os sick of snow I just want it to all go away!

Life is so boring sometimes. Luckily I have Kyle ;)

Ex-boyfriends are soooo annyoing!!!!! Go away!!!!

Thats it,

Monday, March 03, 2003


I can't say I know you
But I think I do
Can't say I see you
But I know that I can
Can't say that I need you
But I know in my heart that I do
Can't say that I love you
But you sweep me off my feet
Can't say that you feel the same
But I can only hope you do

BY:Megan FOR: My lover Kyle

lovely love

Im in love.

Thats all.

Peacey be,